Sunday, October 16, 2011

Satan's Speech

In Satan’s speech starting on line 157, the arch-fiend reveals the mission and nature of evil in relation to the righteousness of Heaven. Milton writes “If then his providence/Out of our evil seek to bring forth good/Our labor must be to pervert that end/And out of good still to find means of evil”. (161-165) Here, we find Satan’s intention after facing defeat by God. While being unable to conquer heaven, he intends to spread evil through the distortion of the good in heaven. Milton is offering an explanation towards the existence of evil despite the omnipotent and benevolent nature of God. While God acts in righteousness, evil still exists. However, it is offered in this passage that the origin and existence of evil is the result of Satan’s distortions of good. God is also working towards turning Satan’s evil back into good, which he is largely successful in accomplishing. Through the context and content of Satan’s speech, we see the origin of evil out of the work of demons- yet the demons are ultimately kept in check and mastered by God.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your point that evil still exists even though God consistently spreads goodness. However, I don't completely understand how God was successful in turning Satan's evil back into good. Yes, the fallen angels did lose the battle, but even at the end of Book One, Satan is still out for vengeance against all that is good. He has not repented for his past wrongs and still wants to corrupt mankind and spread evil just as much, or even more, than he did before. In this sense, just because God is able to keep the fallen angels' actions in check for now, does it necessarily mean that goodness has prevailed entirely?
